Just Made It (Again)!

This model has just sneaked into Neglected Model May and I really had to push myself in the last week to get it finished!  I painted it in conjunction with another model, but that one doesn’t form part of the challenge, so it will get its own post to follow this one.


The tank featured here is not that well known and if anyone identified it, well done!  It’s a Japanese Type 92 combat car (the term the cavalry coined for light tanks, virtually paralleling US practice) and it entered service with Japanese cavalry units in the 1930s.  Less than 200 were built and it served in China and Manchuria.  Construction was advanced for the time, since the vehicle was welded as opposed to bolted or riveted, but it was only very lightly armoured.  Armament was a turret-mounted 6.5mm machine gun with a heavy 13.2mm machine gun in the hull front.


I have waited years for a model of this tank and have thought about trying to scratchbuild one on several occasions.  So last year I was really pleased to find that one had just become available from Shapeways.  Shapeways market and produce 3-D printed items, so I’m really moving into the 21st Century with this model (maybe not – I haven’t got a smartphone and don’t use Facebook)!  I think a 1:72 resin model of the tank is available, but I’ve never seen it, so I thought I’d get the Shapeways one.  Detail is very good and the model only came in two pieces, the complete hull plus the whole turret.  The model represents a late manufacture Type 92 with four large roadwheels per side.


So although all I had to assemble was the turret to the hull, this model has sat for about eight months in its basic light brown colour!  I wanted to get my Japanese Type 89 medium tanks finished first (that’s one of them on the road behind the Type 92), and they formed my contribution to the February Neglected Model challenge, so I thought it was now about time to get the last of my Japanese tanks in early war camouflage finished.  I was away for work last week, so decided to take a couple of tank models with me to paint in my hotel.  I’d stayed in the same hotel before, so knew that I’d have a desk and chair and that the lighting was good enough to paint basic tank camouflage schemes.  I was quite pleased to get the basic paint scheme finished and that let me put the thinned-down mucky/shade coat on when I got home, followed by a light drybrush to pick out detail!  I also had to go back and add  some darker shading over the two darker cammo colours.  Since I was also away over the holiday weekend, I didn’t get the varnishing done until I got back from that trip yesterday, so this model really has only  just managed to qualify for Neglected Model May!


    • Thanks Mark! You’re right about it’s service as well. I just wanted one because I’d never had a model of one and it is a nice little model! Will have to plan a game soon (although I have no Japanese cavalry)!

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  1. That’s a great little tank. It’s pretty amazing seeing what we can get 3d printed these days. The paint has a really nice looking worn and weathered effect, and works perfectly with the larger Type 89.

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  2. Oh, and getting stuff done right on the wire is a nice little side effect of these challenges – for myself at least but it seems to work for a few other people. That last-day(s) burst of productivity when it’d be so easy to just leave it and do something else if the challenge weren’t there. Great stuff! 🙂

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      • Yeah, I painted at work during my lunch breaks for a couple of years – generally stuff that’s a bit tedious and just really limited-palette stuff (black robes on units, for example). Now I take a bunch of figures to clean the flash off – again a really tedious task at home that’s actually fun to do at work.

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        • Sounds sensible to me! Many, many years ago, I used to work away quite a bit and painted a 25mm Ming Chinese army during my evenings spent in hotels! Since the option was sit and drink with my colleagues, I like to think I made more use of my time!

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