All Change!

Well, the time has finally come for me to write my first post with the new WordPress editor! Hopefully, I’ll be able to contain me excitement!

Not too long ago, I finished this unit of French dragoons for the Franco-Prussian War (shown above – if you click here and it takes you to a page with a bit more info about them, it means I’ve worked out how to do the linking bits at least)!

Before I’d even started these dragoons though, I’d thought about also representing them fighting a dismounted action. In theory, dragoons were meant to operate as mounted infantry and dismount when they used firearms, but in the mid-19th century most dragoons fought as conventional shock-action cavalry. However, I’d read that some French dragoon units in 1870 did fight dismounted, so I thought it might be worth trying to represent them as such.

Although I couldn’t get Franco-Prussian War dismounted figures, Tumbling Dice Miniatures produce some 20mm scale WW1 dismounted cavalry, so I bought a handful of early war French dragoons. By 1914, the only real concession the French dragoons had made to their uniforms to make them less visible targets was to cover their brass helmets with drab light brown covers, so the WW1 figures looked fine for 1870 figures (see picture below, if my editing’s worked – otherwise I’ve no idea where the picture might be)!

Originally my plan was to just paint enough figures to replace some of the mounted figures in a unit to represent it fighting dismounted. In the end, I added some extra figures and spare standing horses to represent a dismounted unit in its own right. Finishing this unit doesn’t mean I’ve had a sudden blitz on painting either, since I started them way back before the mounted dragoons were finished! I painted the helmets brass with the leopard-skin band to represent 1870 figures, but otherwise the lack of red epaulettes is about the only fault with the uniform (although I’ve seen a period painting that shows that these weren’t always worn). Below you can see the original mounted unit with the dismounted unit in front of them (hopefully)!

I can also spread the dismounted figures across two units to represent them both fighting as dragoons rather than shock-action cavalry (see below).

Of course, since I hadn’t originally planned on doing a full dismounted dragoon unit, I don’t have enough unit movement bases to go round! C’est la vie!

As far as the new editor’s concerned, I didn’t really have a problem with the post itself, probably because I use simple formatting! However, adding in links to my previous posts was more difficult, since they used to just appear as a bulleted list and this time round I had to search for them. None of my tags appeared either, although I’m a bit slapdash about using them in the first place! I also found I had to edit any pictures before putting them into the post, whereas with the old editor I could do that anytime! I suppose if I’m not delivering a first class quality blog post in the first place, maintaining a relatively low standard of presentation should be within my capabilities!


  1. Great work on your Dragoons John, having them dismounted is a whole other level of detail. All the blogging platforms seem to have had a shakeup, some bits seem to take more getting used to than others, personally I was happy with the old system as I now can’t edit a post at a later point, but that’s just me

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Dave! ๐Ÿ™‚ I must admit, I quite like the dismounted figures!
      I thought the old editor was quite straightforward – the new one seems to need a few more steps or doing things in a different order, but it’s had less effect on me so far than I thought it might! Bit of a pain for you if it makes it difficult to edit posts at a later point though!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Well, I cant speak to the new editor as I’m still using the old one, but the figures look great and I always appreciate the little historical write-up. Crazy to think they were still wearing the same uniforms in 1914, but I guess that was very much the transition year from the old ways to moderns…

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Not knowing the detail about the uniforms, I wouldnโ€™t have know the difference between the models but I love that you explain the difference for us (you learn something new everyday. Iโ€™m not sure when Iโ€™ll need to know about red epaulets on French period uniforms but Iโ€™m sure it will shock someone when that titbit is delivered…). Great unit and having the dismounted models makes it almost a mini diorama. I really like the final picture and having the two units โ€˜mixed upโ€™.
    Youโ€™ve definitely not sold me on the new editor so Iโ€™m going to stick with the classic as long as I can.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks mate! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sometime I think I write too much detail! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Funnily enough, I didn’t find switching back to the new editor made much difference (except for adding links) but I only use a basic layout! You’ll be fine as long as you keep putting those nice pictures of your troops in for us!

      Liked by 3 people

  4. As always John a nice but of history together with some great painted minis. Glad you have managed to get on with the new editor. One of the few things I remember from a training course I attended a great many years ago was KISS, keep it simple stupid, I would have faired better in my experience if I had remembered that! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I sacked it off John! Found a route to use the classic editor. Apparently WP are only supporting the old editor for another year but since there’s been millions of complaints, here’s wishful thinking that in a years time they’ll change their mind and keep the choice.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. You are a brave man John, well done on venturing into the new world !!I was warned by Tech adviser not to do anything until the borders are opened and she is allowed to come back to visit us. I’m glad you did some of the lads performing their real role!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Thanks Pat! ๐Ÿ™‚ I thought you’d approve of me having some dismounted dragoons! I’m really pleased with them! Thought I might as well just get on with the new editor, although I haven’t got all that much lined up in the way of posts at the moment!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Lovely miniatures, John – I wouldn’t have noticed the epaulettes if you hadn’t pointed them out.
    I’ve been using the new editor since it appeared. It would be okay, but they keep changing things and you can spend an age trying to figure out how to do something that took seconds before.
    I’m sure someone out there is trying to make things harder for us, maybe they’re on piece-rate for every change they make!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Steve! ๐Ÿ™‚ I can imagine you’ll always approve of me painting more cavalry, even if they are dismounted! The new WordPress editor seems to have been rolled out progressively, so it maybe hasn’t got to you yet! I’ve als found that depending on whether you’re using a phone, tablet or laptop, the appearance is different anyway!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sacre bleu! Those dragoons look great and I’m glad you found some minis that work well dismounted. I’m like you in that I found the new editor somewhat easy to get used to but I am not wild about how links work either (the symbol is not very obvious and something about it is harder than it should be too). I seem to get a bit better at the editor each time I use it so here’s to hoping we master it one day ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I can see why the French wanted to go to war in 1914 with the troops like this but with just a helmet cover – they look too good! Your painting as always does them justice too and these are some of my favourite figures of your armies.

    I say you’ve mastered the Blocks function which – at the risk of alienating myself from the rest of the WordPress community – I rather like! ๐Ÿ˜€ If you’re unsure if something is going to look right when you publish, there’s always a ‘preview’ button top right of the page.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Marvin, those are kind words indeed! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think this unit has got itself at the top of my favourites list, probably because it’s a slightly different!

      Changes in things like the editor will affect everyone differently, so if you like it then that’s got to be a good thing for you! I must admit, I’m checking things more often with the “preview” command now, but that’s what it’s there for!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Excellent brushwork as always; those leopard skins came out a treat (though I’m sure your Boxer tigermen had provided enough practice previously). I’m surprised Tumbling Dice is still around given their paucity on the internet. If I remember correctly, their figures are on the smaller side of 20mm?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Veroo! ๐Ÿ™‚ These were a lot easier to paint than the tigermen! You’re right about Tumbling Dice figures being on the smaller side, but they’re nice figures (I’ve also got some WW1 German, British and US gun crew). They make quite a large range of 1:600th aircraft and I’ve got some of them to go with my 1:600th/700th coastal forces ships.


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