Same Again?

Well 2024 is underway so time to roughly plan out some of the things I want to get done this year as far a wargaming goes! I’m not one for yearly round-ups or planning to the nth degree (real life is far too efficient at intervening) so I’m just taking a quick look at my statistics for last year and planning this year (which may or may not take into account what did/didn’t happen last year)!

I aim to spend about an hour a day on preparing and painting models and last year I managed to put an estimated 363 hours into finished models, so not bad (in 2022 the total was 343 hours). That total is estimated from the effort I reckon has been put into finished models, so there is always some contribution from models prepared but not finished in previous years (overall it averages out about right). At the start of 2023 I said I wanted to definitely get some stuff finished for my Mexican Adventure, VSF and Balkan Wars projects, and would have liked to make some progress with Paraguayan War and colonial armies. The table below shows where I was at the beginning of 2023, with “must do’s” highlighted in amber and “like to do’s” in pink.

The table below shows the proportion of time I spent on the highlighted projects, plus scenery.

Mexican Adventure19Mexican Republican forces nominally completed
Victorian Science Fiction10Odds’n’sods
Balkan Wars6Extra Turkish cavalry and field gun
Paraguayan War6Flag bearers and some extra Uruguayans
Colonial Wars20Upgrading armies for use with new rules (TMWWBK)
Scenery25Mostly done during Season of Scenery challenge

So I did quite well with my Mexican Adventure project, finishing my Republican army, but really only made nominal progress with some of the others. Scenery stands out because of the progress I made (for the second year running) during Dave Stone’s Season of Scenery community challenge.

So I’ve now updated the overall chart of what’s stored in which box as shown below.

Nominally I’ve increased the amount of painted figures during 2023 by 89 models, but this is not quite a true picture. As I’ve been working through my colonial armies and aligning them for use with The Men Who Would Be Kings rules (TMWWBK) some older painted figures have come back into these boxes and some spare ones have moved into retirement. Changes in my colonial armies are not solely due to using a new set of rules, since the availability of the nice new Jacklex 20mm First Sino-Japanese War figures has let me add models to my 19th Century Chinese armies that were previously unavailable.

So the plan for 2024 is to proceed with a similar emphasis to last year, although I think I’d like to also make progress in other areas where I might be able to get quick wins. As far as Mexico’s concerned I want to make progress with a Mexican Imperial army. For VSF I’d like to finish the Martians/Invaders/Squids before doing any more human forces. As far as the Balkans go, finishing one or two infantry units would be good progress.

One of the few projects I’ve neglected in recent years has been WW2 naval gaming and I’m planning on trying to make some progress on that. I’m considering having a “Maritime March” month which, if it goes well or badly, could be extended to “Maritime May”! I don’t seem to plan painting my ships and vehicles well, since they live in a completely different set of boxes from figures, so allocating some time to them would no doubt be a good idea! Watch this space!


  1. Sounds like you had a good productive year in 2023 John, and the plans for 2024 look suitably attainable, the credit for the scenery is all you mate, as you did the work, with some truly ingenious use of a single hull to cover multiple different ships.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Dave! 🙂 To be honest the challenge does make me set aside that large time block for doing scenery and there’s always plenty of it that needs doing. I have ideas for more multi-use ships but, if they happen, they will be further into the future!

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    • Haha, thanks Eric! 🙂 I think it’s the engineer in me running the show here! I originally started it to keep track of how much storage box space I needed, but it’s handy to track progress! Experience has taught me to keep the “To Do” list as vague as possible!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. You seem to have got a lot done, and had a decent chunk of hobby time, each day no less.
    89 figures seems like a good total to me.
    Looking forward to seeing more vehicles and ships.
    Good luck 😃

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Frank! 🙂 I usually estimate it takes two hours for a 20mm figure, start to finish, so a good total for the year would be 180 figures! That would be at the expense of other stuff though. The year’s total of 89 figures is more than last year’s total though. Definitely need to get more ships and vehicles done though – it’s not as if there aren’t enough in the queue!

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  3. Great John. Don’t you love it when a plan “doesn’t” come together! Used to have a spreadsheet but then I stopped engineering. Used to have a plan but they never worked. Now I just paint and make “stuff”!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Well done in 2023 I think. I’ve given up making hobby plans for new year. As you said life is very efficient at intervening. So I look at my pile of lead every month and pick the things according to my mood. Not the best tactics to get projects finished…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jeff! 🙂 I’m happy with what I got done. I’m hoping to get the last of my VSF Martians/Invaders/Squids into the painting queue soon actually. I think once I’ve got them done I can think about getting back to the more obscure human VSF minis I want to do.

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  5. Funnily enough I’ve just been working on my own spreadsheet for 2024 projects (it’s that time of year!) and all I can say is, yours is much better! Seriously I’ve borrowed a few ideas from yours to make some improvements to my own so thanks for the inspiration. 🙂 Not sure about this business of knowing what is stored where though, I think I’ll stick with my hopeless rummaging in various unlabelled boxes only to find three or four long forgotten projects to get excited about until the thing I was originally looking for has been entirely driven out of my head. Can’t be too organised after all…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Wudu! 🙂 Does this mean I’m an Influencer? God forbid! The main reason I started the spreadsheet was to bring some order to the chaos of not only where figures were stored but also where new figures could be stored! Despite my best efforts, my 19th Century French troops are buggers for spreading themselves out through several boxes and making themselves hard to track down but, even so, there’s a logic behind where they are! What I haven’t mentioned is that there are a couple more boxes allocated for projects that are planned but, as yet, have no figures in them! So maybe I’m not too organised either when it comes down to it!


  6. Well John I am sure whatever you paint will be interesting. Because painting is (should be) more art than production then I have read/heard elsewhere that the key thing for a creative is continuity and little but often…..

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  7. Nice tally to close out the year with! You’re a lot more organised than I am, I usually just go back through posts and count the models in the photos I posted to get an idea of how I’ve gone for the year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Lord Commander! 🙂 I’m planning on doing more of the VSF aliens soon, as they are based and primed. In between doing other stuff I’m preparing ships as well – these are 1:600th and 1:700th ships (so smallish) but most are 3D prints that need detail adding to them. I frequently glue the small fiddly bits to my fingers!


  8. Isn’t it amazing how companies make such robust spreadsheet software, and 80% of the time we use it for our hobby projects? 🙂

    I love that you have some type of plan, even if you’re keeping it loose & fast (which is the best way).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sevy! 🙂 Have to agree with you about spreadsheets! Even better that I can colour it in! The good thing about having a rough plan is that I can concentrate on success and there’s no need to highlight the bits that don’t quite work out!

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  9. Really cool to see your behind the scenes planning for your hobbying. 🙂 I know you’ve showed some of this before, but I do like the idea of separate boxes for each project. Right now I have miniatures sorted by stage and essentially split into fantasy theme or sci-fi/modern. I either need to split that more or *GASP* finish painting more minis! Here’s to a new year and making headway on your projects! 😀

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