Mid-May Mix-Up!

May is turning out to be a month where I’m not finishing anything, even though I’m keeping busy! I just thought I’d write a quick update on what’s going on but it’s hardly exciting reading!

Most of the month has been taken up by cleaning, preparing and basing figures and I reckon I’ve got about 70 done. These are from a range of projects, some full units, others just odds and sods to add to existing armies. Most of the figures are related to some extent to a change round I’ve made with my figure storage boxes. I think I’m a bit OCD about storing figures and like to keep armies and periods together, but some of them were starting to get out of hand and spread about too much for my liking. The main culprits were VSF figures and Boxer Rebellion armies, which both occupy multiple boxes anyway but were starting to spill out into others.

I reckon I had enough boxes for my current and likely future projects, so it’s just been a case of switching some stuff round. This is sometimes complicated by having the odd flag-bearing figure that fits some boxes but not others that have less headroom! With re-arranging some of the boxes I also planned in enough space for the next figures I intended adding to the armies, along with working out how much space that would leave in future. Sounds a bit too organised, even for me!

I last updated this storage chart in January (you can see it here). With this update I’ve created a new version on my Chromebook, but it doesn’t translate across into an image very well (even though I’ve left some of the columns out of the view above) and I’d imagine it’s not readable for anyone viewing it on a phone!

So, what does this all mean:

  • I’ve got enough room to store all my existing, in-progress and planned figures (assuming the last-mentioned does not increase).
  • I’ve rationalised the contents of the boxes to make it easier to store related figures together.
  • Most of the boxes won’t have much space left in them if and when I’m done, so I’m making the most of my storage space.
  • Storage for my VSF figures is organised now, whereas it was more than haphazard before. There are three boxes now; one for Martian/Squid/Invader forces, one for human forces and one for larger models (like fighting machines) from all armies. Part of the problem with arranging storage for these was due to the fact that most of the human figures and machinery had been planned but not started (although some of the figures prepared this month are VSF figures).
  • Updating my Boxer Rebellion Chinese forces with newer equipment and troops meant that they really needed another box of their own. It turned out that re-shuffling them has almost filled another box, although some of the figures are also newly prepared and stored.
  • Two boxes have been set aside for new projects that I’d like to work on in the not too distant future. One of these is a Mahdist army for the late 19th Century to use to beat up my British. Having adopted The Men Who Would Be Kings colonial rules means that I can add this army without it having to get too large. The other project is the War Of The Pacific that took place between Chile, Bolivia and Peru from 1879 to 1884. To some extent I can use figures from my Paraguayan War Allied armies as Peruvians so I only need to add Chileans and a few Bolivians. This cuts down the number of figures I need to paint and, once again, I’m not intending to have huge armies.
  • Two boxes have been set aside for further projects I have in mind or as overspill boxes. I’ll have to see what becomes of them!

So, I appear to have a plan! Unfortunately it doesn’t cover vehicles or ships, which remain two cans of worms best left unopened!


  1. Sounds like a well organised plan John, and also sounds like you have been very busy on the prep front as well, so lots of cool things to see in the future. As for the unopened cans, there is always another day ! LOL

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  2. What sort of physical boxes are you using? My older figures languish in A4 or foolscap file boxes – usually lined with steel paper. Quite a few of the forces sit in KR multi-cases – although choosing suitable foam inserts is a hobby in itself πŸ™‚ The recent TMWWBK Brits, Indians and Pathans, plus the 28mm BCW units and some skirmish ranges, are in 9l Really Useful Boxes (RUBs) with MDF inserts. They all have the merit of being stackable (to a greater or lesser extent), but standardisation will have to wait for another year, alas.

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    • Interesting reading your solutions! πŸ™‚ You can see most of my boxes at https://justneedsvarnish.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/cold-storage/. By far the greatest number are the flip-top-lid boxes used for DIY bits and pieces, with each compartment lined with steel-impregnated rubber/paper. These tend to have rounded bottom corners so in some boxes I’ve added 5mm foamcard to raise the base up and fit more figures in. These boxes are in a small number of sizes and styles since their availability changes. I use 9l Really Useful Boxes for larger ships, artillery limbers, 25mm Samurai and Ming Chinese armies and my larger VSF models. Vehicles, tanks and scenery are in cut down A4 copier boxes and I don’t know how I’d manage without them!

      Not sure about you but so far I’m failing completely with Maritime May!

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  3. OCD, maybe but I bet you know where everything is stored! πŸ™‚ I’m not sure if others in our community can say the same thing, me included. The future projects sound pretty interesting to me as well. I’m looking forward to seeing you tackle those!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Jeff! πŸ™‚ To be honest there are a small number of figures that don’t end up in the boxes that I’d like them to be in, so I have to try and remember where they are! And I can think of at least two people who’s blogs I follow that are more organised than me! The two new projects at this point have not been started at all, other than planning what will be needed, so I should really finish more of the existing ones before starting them!

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  4. Well, I’m envious of your storage organization!! Mine isn’t near as good. Most things are in boxes labelled by stages. Splitting o it Modern/Scifi minis vs Fantasy minis. A couple weeks ago, I bought some new 4l RUBs, but found out volume wise, they are a bit smaller than what I was using!
    Looking at your Cold Storage post and reading this one, gave me a random idea though…setting up storage boxes for minis I intend to complete. I tend to prep most minis beforehand (assemble, prime, and sometimes base). So setting them up in their storage boxes beforehand, gives me an idea of how much space I would need and if I’m missing anything. Also a better idea of which items to target next. I’ll think about it some more and see if it’s worthwhile. Thanks for sparking my imagination! πŸ˜ƒ

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Faust! πŸ™‚ You’ve hit the nail on the head with storage planning! I used to have a box that had prepared minis in it, but I still had to work out where they’d finally end up. By having finished and prepared minis in the same box I can see what needs doing and know how much space I have left for any future figures. As you’ve said, it also gives me an idea on what to tackle next. So if reading this has helped you, it’s been worth posting!

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      • That’s pretty awesome. The only hold up is that I have some minis that I can’t base till after painting. Or some that will have to be painted in sub-assembly. Curious what you do in those situations?

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        • I’d probably panic and drink some beer! πŸ˜‰ I tend to use standard MDF base sizes now so if I had larger models that I needed to keep track of I’d probably leave their bases in the relevant box as place keepers (or put the bases in the box, manoeuvre everything round them, remember where their places are and take the bases back out). In the very rare situations where I do paint in sub-assemblies I tend to have everything on the desk until the whole thing’s finished.


  5. OMG… that is so organized. πŸ™‚ I hardly get my game table cleaned for the next game and have boxes of toys all over the place. I also just paint a project I feel like when I get to it – so have loads of half done projects around the place. Just call me Captain Chaos compared to you it seem.

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    • Thanks Mark! πŸ™‚ The truth of it is that we’re probably not much different though, I maybe just appear to have a better idea of where my unfinished projects are! The main problem now is trying to decide what to paint next! I’m lucky in that a lot of the projects are quite advanced and I can just do the odd unit when I feel like it once the core of any force is done!


  6. I’m impressed you’re planning space for future projects! My current dilemma is that I’ve run out of shelf space but that hasn’t slowed me down in my miniature purchases. I’m going to need to figure something out (after the fact!)

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    • Thanks Nic! I think it’s more a case of making sure everything can be stored away safely! I’m OK with figure storage at the moment but am having to limit anything I buy as far as tanks, vehicles and scenery is concerned!

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  7. Hi John-70 figures in progress sounds promising. I will look forward to seeing them. As regards storage I think it’s the only way to go – if you have finite space, managing it is the only way to get the most in. Bit like holiday suitcases flying versus the car only trips……Napoleon and stomachs spring to mind for the latter – make mine a large truck 🀣

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    • Haha, thanks Lorenzo! πŸ™‚ I think I’ve got to the 100 mark now and still going! It’s panning out at least one unit from most of the storage boxes that aren’t finished projects! I used to travel a reasonable amount in the UK and I’d always opt to drive – that way I could take paints, minis and too many books to keep me busy in the evenings when I was away. Most of the time I’d be on my own and my view was that it was my time in the evenings and I’d do what I wanted.

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    • Thanks Ben! πŸ™‚ To be honest I think I’d rather just be taking an easy route at the moment and prepping stuff, which I find easier than painting. To some extent that’s likely to be counter-productive since I then have to decide what to actually finish next! Re-sorting all the boxes always helps though because I then know there is space enough for the stuff being prepared. Vehicles, ships and scenery follow a similar but more chaotic route!

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